Boot Brush Stations
Did you realize that invasive species seeds can get stuck to your clothing, boots, or puppy paws as you are out hiking or enjoying a natural area? If you walk through an area infested with say, garlic mustard, it is possible that those seeds can be carried on your equipment or shoes and then deposited the next time you go hiking-- perhaps in an area that is not under threat from garlic mustard. A great way to prevent unintentionally spreading invasive seed is to brush your boots and other equipment off BEFORE you head out on the trail and AGAIN as your exit-- every single time.
HIP is working to install boot brush stations at trailheads across the county. These stations feature a boot brush and educational signage. Help stop the spread! This project is made possible by financial support from:
Want to contribute toward a boot brush station or after receiving a handheld boot brush?